5 ways to transition your Skincare from Summer to Fall/Winter

Transitioning your skincare from the heat of Summer to the briskness of Fall/Winter doesnt have to be hard nor should it be stressful. With Fall & Winter upon us, it definitely is a great time to re-evaluate your skincare routine. Why? Because with the change of seasons it's common to see a change in our skin too. Changes like more breakouts, increase in ezcema flare ups and dryness become more prevalent and require extra care. So how can we combat those common skin concerns? Continue reading

The below list focuses primarily on products as we have to be cognizant of what products work best in and out of season. Your Summer skincare products may not suite your skins needs for the Fall/Winter. Changes like this are important to note, as it allows us to listen and learn our skin to be able to treat it the best way. Cooler windy outside air combined with heated indoor air always pulls moisture out of your skin, leading to dry itchy skin and even eczema.

  1. Switch to cream-based cleansers.

    In the Summer time, we are more accustomed to using lightweight cleansing products because we are sweating more etc. and do not want heavy products on our face. ISince your skin will produce less oil during the transition [from Summer to Fall], it’s best to replace lightweight cleansers with a cream-based formula. By doing so, this a more gentle approach as it helps your skin transition and lock in moisture during the harsh climate changes. It is imporatnt to note that your cleansers that are more stripping should be eliminated or decreased to only one portion of your routine during the cooler months. We want to prevent damage to your skin barrier as much as possible and avoid any product that may be stripping.

  2. Use thicker moisturizers.

    With the decrease in temperatures, it is important to ensure that our skin is properly moisturized and hydrated. Not only are we incorporating moisturizing cleansers, we are doing so with our moisturizers as well. By incorporating thicker moisturizers, we are treating the moisture barrier of our skin. Keep in mind that in the colder months, the air tends to be drier, and we end up not having as much moisture in our skin. This applies to all skin types Dry to Oily. If you are prone to dry skin already, some ways to get a double dose of moisture is to incorporate a rich night cream or overnight mask. If you are more acneic, we suggest consulting with your Facialist to ensure that your moisturizer is hydrating, yet doesn’t clog your pores.

  3. Don't forget SPF (for all seasons)

    I know you may hear it all the time, but it’s only because it is imporanct. Even though it is cooler outside, this does not mean that you should forego your SPF. Applying sunscreen year round is imperative as we are still being exposed to UVA (Aging UV), even when it's cloudy. Not only does applying our SPF year round prevent skin concerns such as hyperpigmentation and collagen loss, it protects us from potential skin cancer as well.

  4. Never forsake lip balms.

    During the cooler months, your lips are more exposed to the harsh climate more than you realize. But, don't forget that when exposed to cold weather, your lips crack, flake and chaps. To prevent dryness on your lips, always swipe a layer of moisturizing lip balm on them. We recommend selecting those with beeswax, glycerin, natural oils or petrolatum as their active ingredients. A simple lip gloss won’t cut it for your lips in fall. Stock up on your lip balm and make sure they are made from protective ingredients that lock in lip moisture. One feature that Guests love at the SelfLuxe Co. Facial Studio is that we adorn their lips after every treatment with a moisturizing lip balm. On our Instagram you will see this done plenty of times because our . [If you are not following us on Instagram @selfluxeco and Tiktok @selfluxeco.

  5. Ensure that you are prioritizing your Facial Treatments

    Receiving your monthly Facial Treatments has amazing benefits. We did a blogpost explaining the 5 benefits of monthly facials. You can read that blogpost here. However, during the cooler months it is imperative. Not only does it allows you to receive continued Professional guidance as your skin changes. You and your Facialist/Esthetician will be able to address any concerns you may have and recommend any additional products that you can incorporate into your routine. If you are in the Charleston,SC or surrounding area, we would love to serve you in a luxury Guest Experience. To learn more about our facial treatments, visit our website or Reserve your guest experience today.

I hope that by reading this blogpost, you feel like you can enter the cooler months confidently knowing that you have guidacne that will help you along your skincare journey. No matter what remember the biggest takeway is during the colder months it is best to keep your skin hydrated. Don’t wait until dryness begins, start now. Take steps to keep skin hydrated - prevent barrier damage from overly harsh cleansing, use seasonally rich moisturizers that replenish skin lipids, and protect skin from damaging UVA rays. It’s simple, it’s seasonal and it’s easy with these 5 ways to transition your Skincare from Summer to Fall/Winter.

As always stay beautiful inside and out!


5 Benefits of getting monthly Facials